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5 B2B Lead Nurturing Strategies That Get Results

B2B lead nurturing strategies are essential for effective inbound marketing. Lead nurturing is a proven way of gaining consumer trust and turning them into buyers. But when your nurturing efforts are similar to what every other business is doing, you will surely not secure good leads.

In this article, I aim to educate you about the top five B2B lead nurturing strategies you can use in your marketing and turn your generic efforts into more consumer-focused ones. This blog is for marketers who put hard work into lead nurturing but do not get the required results.

First, let’s understand a common practice while implementing lead nurturing strategies.

A Common Practice In B2B Lead Nurturing Strategies

Lead nurturing is a crucial marketing process as it focuses on prospects who have already shown interest in your services. All types of nurturing methods have a single aim: to move your prospects from the consideration to the buying stage.

Your marketing efforts become effective when you identify and align different lead nurturing strategies that work best for you.

Implementing a single nurturing strategy at a time will give only average results. Most marketers implement the best two to three nurturing tactics together as it helps them generate a stable lead nurturing workflow.

Most B2B lead nurturing strategies are already interlinked. For selecting the suitable nurturing method for yourself, keep these three things in mind:
1. Your goals
2. Target audience
3. Available resources

Top 5 B2B Lead Nurturing Strategies

1. Email Marketing

Email Marketing For B2B Lead Nurturing Strategies

Email marketing is a well-known B2B lead nurturing strategy. It is so because it allows efficient personalisation of consumer content. In email marketing, a series of emails get shared with the prospect at appropriate intervals.

These emails have content relevant to consumer pain points and present your services as a solution. Such types of email campaigns are also known as lead nurturing email sequences.

The two unique features of an email marketing campaign are:

  • Easy To Automate
    All types of email series can get automated with the help of tools like Active Campaign, Mailchimp, Hubspot, etc. It helps in saving time and makes your email campaigns more accurate.
  • Easy To Personalise
    Automation tools for email marketing come intact with lead segmenting functions. With the help of lead segmentation, the mailing list gets divided into various groups based on their interactions with your emails. The segmentation factors can include email opening rate and email click-through rate.

In such ways, email marketing supports lead nurturing by delivering the right content to the right people at the right time. Combining consumer behaviour patterns with automated email marketing can create customised nurturing journeys without much effort.

2. Content Marketing

Content Marketing for B2B Lead Nurturing Strategies

Content marketing is a nurturing strategy that populates your sales funnel with relevant content. It allows information sharing according to where the lead is in their buyer’s journey.

Below is a small list of content you can use at various stages of the sales funnel:

  • Awareness Stage: Blog posts, whitepapers, detailed e-books, checklists, etc.
  • Consideration Stage: Case studies, webinars, demo videos, etc.
  • Buying Stage: Free trials, limited discount offers, consultation, etc.

This marketing style helps build brand awareness and establish the company as a thought leader.

Content marketing ensures that relevant and engaging content gets delivered to your potential prospects. That is why it is often aligned with other B2B lead nurturing strategies.

For example, you can use them to prepare compelling copies for your email nurturing sequences. Such a blend of various nurturing tactics helps generate better responses from the consumer side.

With the help of content mapping, you can create marketing plans. Such proactive content planning helps present your services and the best solution to consumers’ present problems. It also enables you to leverage the content you might have created earlier and utilise it to its full potential.

3. Lead Scoring

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a B2B marketing tactic that makes the sales cycle more efficient. It helps create a grading system that gives various prospects scores based on their online activities.
Such activities can include:

  • Engagement level with your website and social media
  • Click-through rate for landing pages and emails

With the help of these scores, the leads get divided into groups based on their willingness to buy.

Lead scoring assists you in identifying quality leads at a faster pace and acquiring them with the right content.

Automated implementation of lead scoring is available on various marketing platforms. Email campaigns extensively use lead scoring to increase their effectiveness further.

The main benefit of lead scoring is that it shortens the sales cycle. It results in lower customer acquisition costs (CAC) and a higher ROI.

4. Multi-Channel Marketing

Multi-Channel Marketing for b2b lead nurturing

A multi-channel lead nurturing strategy increases your brand’s presence in consumers’ eyes. It is a marketing strategy that allows you to interact with your audience beyond emails.

In cross-channel marketing, you can use social media, SMS, and SEO to always stay connected with your prospects. For example, if a lead unsubscribes from your emailing list, you can still capture them on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media sites.

Being present on various online platforms helps you understand your consumer problems better.

Through multi-channel marketing, you reach out to the target audience in different ways. For example, Instagram lets you capture consumer attention with visuals, and Quora allows you to answer common consumer questions, boosting your credibility.

5. Intent-based Marketing

Intent-based Marketing

As marketers, we highly rely on the browsing behaviour of our audience. While it is vital to analyse our targeted consumer’s activities, it is not always enough.

Intent-based marketing tackles this situation by using intent data as a supporting factor for filtering out quality leads. For example, say an information-qualified lead has visited a particular blog three to four times.

Regular behavioural analysis will tell you to market services highlighted in the article to them. But what if the repeated visitor came back to the blog just because they thought it had valuable information.

Here, intent data comes into play. Intent data helps you identify whether the visitor is currently capable of making the buying decision. It includes information like job profile, company’s past achievements, budget, etc., to narrow down the actual intent of the prospect.

Intent-marketing utilizes different nurturing tactics like lead scoring, emailing, etc. It allows you to focus on prospects with an active demand for your services. By acknowledging the motivation and goals of the target company, you can create a more tailored B2B marketing strategy.


With the help of the strategies mentioned in this article, you will be able to create a lead nurturing flow that caters to you and your audience.

Be it lead scoring, email nurturing, or intent-based marketing, all these B2B lead nurturing strategies allow you to induce smart marketing efforts in your sales cycle.

You can improve your lead quality, conversion rate, and brand awareness by employing different nurturing methods. These automated lead nurturing strategies provide you with the efficiency and time to run your business effectively.

Before you go, don't forget to download this PDF resource covering a variety of lead nurturing ideas. It's designed to help you optimize your lead nurturing efforts and achieve better results.

If you want to understand lead nurturing in-depth and do not know from where to start, then check out my blog about:

Also, Check

B2B Lead Nurturing: The Ultimate Guide
Drip Campaign vs Nurture Campaign: Which One to Choose
Lead Nurturing Email Examples From My Personal Account
Optimizing Lead Nurturing for Higher Qualified Leads
5 Steps To Win Back Lost Leads With Lead Nurturing

Image of Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir
CEO of Apexure
Image of Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir
CEO of Apexure
Image of Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir
CEO of Apexure

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